Let me teach you the secrets of Kung-Fu
Martial Arts Brutality has been out for sometime now and a lot of higher level players are interested to know how the game models the body so they can better craft their decks and tactics. So here I'll go into a lot of detail about the internal model that the game uses. I'll also show the actual data from the game.
So here we go...
Body Part Data
Each body part has different levels of hit points. And each body part maybe protected by other parts. Each body part also contributes towards different KO types.
Let me explain that in detail. Here's the first two lines of the body part data file:
; Type Region Class HP Failure% Protected
BZ Skull Head Bone 500 20.0% None
BZ Brain Head Organ 1200 100.0% Skull 65.0% None
BZ is Body Zone. Type is the body part type. Region and class are self evident.
HP is the number of hit points. When this reaches 0 the part is dead.
Failure % is the amount that part contributes to any particular KO, more on that later.
Protected shows if this part is protected and by how much. Here we can see the Brain is protected by the Skull at 65%. So 65% of the damage to a Brain hit is taken by the Skull. (So it's more efficient to take out the Skull and then the Brain)
Here is the full list
; Type Region Class HP Failure% Protected
BZ Skull Head Bone 500 20.0% None
BZ Brain Head Organ 1200 100.0% Skull 65.0% None
; --------------------
BZ Jaw Head Bone 200 20.0% None
BZ Teeth Head Bone 300 20.0% None
BZ Nose Head Bone 100 20.0% None
BZ L_Ear Head Organ 250 20.0% None
BZ R_Ear Head Organ 250 20.0% None
BZ L_Eye Head Organ 100 50.0% L_EyeSocket 90.0% None
BZ R_Eye Head Organ 100 50.0% R_EyeSocket 90.0% None
BZ L_EyeSocket Head Bone 350 10.0% None
BZ R_EyeSocket Head Bone 350 10.0% None
; --------------------
BZ Jugular Neck Organ 1000 100.0% None
BZ Throat Neck Organ 250 30.0% None
; --------------------
BZ Ribs Chest Bone 900 20.0% None
BZ Heart Chest Organ 450 100.0% Ribs 80.0% None
BZ Lungs Chest Organ 500 100.0% Ribs 80.0% None
; --------------------
BZ Stomach Abdomen Organ 300 25.0% None
BZ Kidneys Abdomen Organ 300 25.0% None
BZ Liver Abdomen Organ 300 25.0% None
BZ Groin Groin Organ 300 25.0% None
BZ Pelvis Groin Bone 450 70.0% None
; --------------------
BZ L_ShoulderJoint Arms Joint 250 35.0% None
BZ R_ShoulderJoint Arms Joint 250 35.0% None
BZ L_ElbowJoint Arms Joint 200 30.0% None
BZ R_ElbowJoint Arms Joint 200 30.0% None
BZ L_WristJoint Arms Joint 150 25.0% None
BZ R_WristJoint Arms Joint 150 25.0% None
BZ L_PelvisJoint Groin Joint 900 100.0% None
BZ R_PelvisJoint Groin Joint 900 100.0% None
BZ L_KneeJoint LegsTop Joint 350 100.0% L_KneeCap 85.0% None
BZ R_KneeJoint LegsTop Joint 350 100.0% R_KneeCap 85.0% None
BZ L_AnkleJoint LegsBottom Joint 150 25.0% None
BZ R_AnkleJoint LegsBottom Joint 150 25.0% None
BZ L_ShoulderBlade Arms Bone 300 35.0% None
BZ R_ShoulderBlade Arms Bone 300 35.0% None
BZ L_UpperArm Arms Bone 450 35.0% None
BZ R_UpperArm Arms Bone 450 35.0% None
BZ L_LowerArm Arms Bone 400 35.0% None
BZ R_LowerArm Arms Bone 400 35.0% None
BZ L_Hand Arms Bone 400 20.0% None
BZ R_Hand Arms Bone 400 20.0% None
; --------------------
BZ L_KneeCap LegsTop Bone 850 1.0% None
BZ R_KneeCap LegsTop Bone 850 1.0% None
; --------------------
BZ L_UpperLeg LegsTop Bone 1000 60.0% None
BZ R_UpperLeg LegsTop Bone 1000 60.0% None
BZ L_LowerLeg LegsBottom Bone 800 60.0% None
BZ R_LowerLeg LegsBottom Bone 800 60.0% None
BZ L_Foot LegsBottom Bone 250 5.0% None
BZ R_Foot LegsBottom Bone 250 5.0% None
BZ SpineNeck Neck Bone 800 100.0% None
BZ SpineChest Chest Bone 600 100.0% Ribs 25.0% None
BZ SpineAbdomen Abdomen Bone 800 100.0% None
Important note: The final HP of each part is further modified by the Fight Style you use and your current Performance settings. For example, Wing Chun uses have very weak bones, at -50%, so all the Bone HP values will be 50% lower.
A full break down of fight style modifiers can been seen here.
KO Types
To gain a KO you need to destroy a certain set of body parts. The following data show each KO type and the body parts that belong to the KO type.
Remember the 'Failure %' from the table above? Well that's the amount that part contributes to the KO. So if the Brain is 100%, you'll get a KO with just that part destroyed.
However, the Nose is 20%, so if you break the Nose you'll have 20% of a Head KO.
Additional to that there's the 'BreakAtLeast' value which shows the minimum number of parts that must be destroyed to get a KO. (Even if the total Failure % is > 100)
So, you must 'BreakAtLeast' x parts and the sum of the 'Failure %' of those parts must be >= 100% to get a particular KO.
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Brain (Coma KO)
BreakAtLeast 0
AddBZType Brain
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Head (Massive Head Trauma KO)
BreakAtLeast 3
AddBZType Skull
AddBZType Jaw
AddBZType Teeth
AddBZType Nose
AddBZType L_Ear
AddBZType R_Ear
AddBZType Throat
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Eyes (Blinded KO)
BreakAtLeast 2
AddBZType L_Eye
AddBZType R_Eye
AddBZType L_EyeSocket
AddBZType R_EyeSocket
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Joints (Joint Trauma KO)
BreakAtLeast 3
AddBZType R_WristJoint
AddBZType L_WristJoint
AddBZType R_ElbowJoint
AddBZType L_ElbowJoint
AddBZType R_PelvisJoint
AddBZType L_PelvisJoint
AddBZType R_AnkleJoint
AddBZType L_AnkleJoint
AddBZType L_KneeJoint
AddBZType R_KneeJoint
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Spine (Paralysis KO)
BreakAtLeast 1
AddBZType SpineNeck
AddBZType SpineChest
AddBZType SpineAbdomen
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Jugular (Bleed Out KO)
BreakAtLeast 0
AddBZType Jugular
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Heart (Cardiac Arrest KO)
BreakAtLeast 0
AddBZType Heart
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Lungs (Suffocation KO)
BreakAtLeast 0
AddBZType Lungs
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Abdomen (Internal Organs KO)
BreakAtLeast 4
AddBZType Stomach
AddBZType Kidneys
AddBZType Liver
AddBZType Groin
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_UpperBones (Upper Bones KO)
BreakAtLeast 3
AddBZType Ribs
AddBZType L_ShoulderJoint
AddBZType L_ShoulderBlade
AddBZType L_UpperArm
AddBZType L_LowerArm
AddBZType L_Hand
AddBZType R_ShoulderJoint
AddBZType R_ShoulderBlade
AddBZType R_UpperArm
AddBZType R_LowerArm
AddBZType R_Hand
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_LowerBones (Lower Bones KO)
BreakAtLeast 2
AddBZType Pelvis
AddBZType L_UpperLeg
AddBZType L_LowerLeg
AddBZType L_KneeCap
AddBZType L_Foot
AddBZType R_UpperLeg
AddBZType R_LowerLeg
AddBZType R_KneeCap
AddBZType R_Foot
; -------------------
BZDamageGroup DG_Distributed (Multiple Serious Injuries KO)
BreakAtLeast 6
AddBZType Skull
AddBZType Jaw
AddBZType Teeth
AddBZType Nose
AddBZType L_Ear
AddBZType R_Ear
AddBZType Throat
AddBZType L_Eye
AddBZType R_Eye
AddBZType R_WristJoint
AddBZType L_WristJoint
AddBZType R_ElbowJoint
AddBZType L_ElbowJoint
AddBZType R_PelvisJoint
AddBZType L_PelvisJoint
AddBZType R_AnkleJoint
AddBZType L_AnkleJoint
AddBZType L_KneeJoint
AddBZType R_KneeJoint
AddBZType Stomach
AddBZType Kidneys
AddBZType Liver
AddBZType Groin
AddBZType Ribs
AddBZType L_ShoulderJoint
AddBZType L_ShoulderBlade
AddBZType L_UpperArm
AddBZType L_LowerArm
AddBZType L_Hand
AddBZType R_ShoulderJoint
AddBZType R_ShoulderBlade
AddBZType R_UpperArm
AddBZType R_LowerArm
AddBZType R_Hand
AddBZType L_UpperLeg
AddBZType L_LowerLeg
AddBZType L_KneeCap
AddBZType L_Foot
AddBZType R_UpperLeg
AddBZType R_LowerLeg
AddBZType R_KneeCap
AddBZType Pelvis
AddBZType L_UpperLeg
AddBZType L_LowerLeg
AddBZType L_KneeCap
AddBZType L_Foot
AddBZType R_UpperLeg
AddBZType R_LowerLeg
AddBZType R_KneeCap
AddBZType R_Foot
Speed and Power
Each card has a Speed and Power value. These are typically in the range from 1 - 10, but can be boosted higher. These values are modified and scaled to get final amounts for an attack.
Power works in the following way:
Power 1 = 75 hit points
Power 10 = 180 hit points
So Power is linearly interpolated from 75 to 180. Power over 10 will be interpolated at the same rate.
The interpolated Hit Point value is then deducted from the HP value of the body part that's hit.
(Power value is also affects by your swipe rating, Chi Boosts and Performance Point settings)
Speed uses the following system. Speed is turned into a time. This time determines how long it takes the attack limb to travel across it path in the defend turn.
Speed 1 = 0.75s
Speed 10 = 0.40s
So for speed 1 you have 0.75 seconds to block.
At Speed 10 you have 0.4 seconds to block.
Speeds above 10 are similarly calculated.
I hope that all makes sense, it's pretty dense, but it's what was needed to build a reasonably interesting model of the body.
I hope it helps you build better decks and may you go on to triumph against your foes!